Iris collina resurrection

Peter Taggart
Mon, 28 Jan 2013 13:27:40 PST
On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 8:08 PM, Sean Zera <> wrote:

> Ah, that makes more sense - yet more confusion caused by perpetuating
> illegitimate names.
> Yes Sean,
but the names are used and describe particular plants. with such synonyms
around there needs to be additional information as to WHICH plant is being
referred to such as the botanist, the location of the plant, the section of
the relevant genus.... because a form of species named by one botanist may
differ from the described plant of another but generally accepted name for
that plant, by another botanist.
Just as the name "Peter" may or may not refer to me.... the name needs to
be qualified to show which Peter or which Iris humilis.
I believe in the use of super ceded names such as "Iris collina" because it
tells me more about the plant.
Peter (UK)

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