hand-pollenating Moraea with a Q-tip and a botanical latin glossary

M. Gastil-Buhl gastil.buhl@gmail.com
Tue, 26 Mar 2013 09:56:37 PDT
Thank you Diane.

This morning I cross pollenated this nearly-finished Moraea gigandra  
from a corm Mike Mace grew:

with a newly-opened M. gigandra bloom from a Telos Rare Bulbs corm:

There are two Telos blooms opening today. I crossed the deeper blue  
one of the two.
I particularly wanted to cross those because so far they are the most  
blue I have seen.

Also, it turns out a Q-tip does not work as well as I had hoped. But I  
did not want to store a watercolor brush in the freezer.

- Gastil

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