BX 353 update

ds429 ds429@frontier.com
Thu, 14 Nov 2013 12:05:42 PST
After I had taken a few deep breaths, I realized that there were only 73 orders from BX 353, so I guess about half of you will get something in the mail. But I will not be replying to each of you nor will I tell you if you are out of luck. Too much to do; so few years are alloted to us.
One correction to the list is that #23 which is listed as "Aspidistra sp" from Jude Platteborze, is actually lily-of-the-valley (Convallaria), mixed white, pink, and double. The aspidistra is still available however. Please let me know what your wishes are.
Best wishes,
Dell Sherk, PBS BX

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