2014 Moraea hybrids

Karl Church 64kkmjr@gmail.com
Wed, 09 Apr 2014 23:53:55 PDT
Tried to view your photos but got a message stating the page doesn't exist.
I would definitely like to see what you've achieved. As a beginner in the
growing of South African bulbs I would appreciate an advise, suggestions on
how to grow them from seed (little or no success so far) & any offsets or
seeds you would care to share.
Karl Church
Dinuba CA
On Apr 9, 2014 11:39 PM, "Michael Mace" <michaelcmace@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, gang.
> If you don't like hybrids, move on to the next message.
> I've written up the 2014 results from my Moraea breeding experiments. This
> year I had several new flowers with stripes and spots, the closest thing
> yet
> to a red flower, some interesting pastels, and the usual odd color
> combinations. You can see photos here:
> http://growingcoolplants.blogspot.com/2014/04/…
> l
> (I'll be gradually getting this info loaded into the wiki, but I put it up
> on my own blog first because it's easier.)
> If you haven't heard the background on this project, I've been growing
> Moraea species for years, and I'm passionate about preserving them in
> cultivation. But after a while you get most of the species that are
> available, and you no longer have new things to look forward to each year.
> So I started trying to create Moraea hybrids, focusing mostly on the
> "peacock" flowers and their relatives (members of the old subgenus
> Vieusseuxia). They turned out to be very easy to breed.
> I am very much an amateur at this stuff, and would appreciate advice from
> the more experienced growers out there (especially info on how colors mix
> and on breeding strategy). I'm also happy to correspond with anyone growing
> Moraeas, and am glad to share seeds and offsets.
> Also, if you know of legitimate sources for the less commonly-offered
> Moraea
> species, please let me know. I have a long list of species I'm still
> looking
> for.
> Thanks,
> Mike
> San Jose, CA
> Zone 9, min temp 20F (-7C)
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