Hippeastrum reticulatum var. reticulatum soil advice

Rimmer oldtulips@gmail.com
Thu, 10 Apr 2014 09:56:26 PDT
I just received a nice plant of  Hippeastrum reticulatum var. reticulatum 
The wiki says it is native to Brazil and can be found in sandy soils, rich in organic matter. 
would this imply an acid to neutral sandy soil for pot culture? 

in preparing a mix for pot culture should i use a sandy leaf mold made from neutral silica sand like i use in gardens for saricineas (pitcher plants etc) or just the local builders sand which is full of limestone.  or just use any well drained mix?

Thank you 
SE Michigan
Zone 5


On Apr 7, 2014, at 1:15 PM, Diana Chapman <telosrarebulbs@suddenlink.net> wrote:

> Your order is No. 14183.  the total is $123.50.  I will try to get them out this week, since I will be gone for a week starting next weekend.  Payment by Paypal can be sent to:  rarebulbs@suddenlink.net.
> Many thanks for your order.
> Diana
> Telos
>> i grow all these in pots here in Michigan near Detroit.
>>  like to at least try one Gethyum
>> thank you Diane
>> Rimmer
>> I wish there was a source where i could get Stenomesson miniatum!
>> On Apr 7, 2014, at 1:01 PM, Diana Chapman <telosrarebulbs@suddenlink.net> wrote:
>>> Gethyum doesn't exactly stand out.  The flowers are a dull reddish brown color and unless grown in a pot I don't think you would notice them much.
>>> Diana
>>>> great ! i like to place an order,
>>>> also is this a good time of year to ship 5604  Gethyum atropurpureum  --    $ 8.50?
>>>> should this be planted in a group or as one?
>>>> please let me know the total cost so i can send payment pay
>>>> Thank you
>>>> Rimmer de Vries
>>>> 215 E. Henry Street
>>>> Saline, MI 48176
>>>> 734 646-8447 cell
>>>> On Apr 5, 2014, at 5:22 PM, Diana Chapman <telosrarebulbs@suddenlink.net> wrote:
>>>>> Yes, the others are blooming size.
>>>>> Diana
>>>>>> Hi Diane
>>>>>> i like to place another order now that the coldest weather is past
>>>>>>  ar  these plants available to purchase and mail to Michigan?
>>>>>> apart from the Eustephia darwinii, are these all blooming size?
>>>>>> 4030  Stenomesson  incarnatum - Apricot Form  ---- Each: $35.00
>>>>>> 4060  Stenomesson  variegatum - Yellow Form  ---- Each:  $20.00
>>>>>> 5105  Eustephia darwinii ---- Each: $15.00
>>>>>> 5604  Gethyum atropurpureum  --    $ 8.50
>>>>>> 5741  Hippeastrum reticulatum v. striatifolium  --  Each:  $25.00
>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>> Rimmer de Vries

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