Ornithogalum failure to break dormancy

hpovey@talk21.com hpovey@talk21.com
Mon, 08 Dec 2014 01:38:12 PST
Given that the global sales of Dubium bulbs exceeds 20 million in commercial use for cut flower or pots and close to 100% flowering is required as standard then it is not logical to expect them all to have been inspected before shipping. 

The exact protacol(not anecdotes) is well known by the major producers. This is easy when producing in greenhouses where all parametres can be ajusted and maintained, but more difficult when it is growing in the soil or garden where each year conditions vary. As the bulbs age they split with the centre dying and small bulblets can set around the edge. These may be too small to flower in the next year,but should still germinate and gow ok if the conditions are correct.


 From: AW <awilson@avonia.com>
To: pbs@lists.ibiblio.org 
Sent: Monday, 8 December 2014, 6:15
Subject: Re: [pbs] Ornithogalum failure to break dormancy

This is not an uncommon problem. Encountering it myself I made enquiries
from one nursery source and was told that within the industry that no
definitive, reliable treatement had been found. Instead, more bulbs are
grown than they expect to ship. They ship only those bulbs that are seen to
be ready to break dormancy.

Translated into my own terms, I waited a second year. A high percentage came
up, but not all. It's a matter of patience.  

In nature, many bulbs practice dormancy. It is a means to reduce losses in
droughty years. 

San Diego

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