Robert Pries
Tue, 11 Feb 2014 08:31:04 PST
I invite all of you on the bulb forum to have some fun showing off what iridaceae you grow in the First International Virtual Iris Show. There are separate sections for Junos, Reticulatas, Dutch, and other Irids (Dietes, Crocus, Ferraria, Moreae, etc). It is an experiment in digital communication but should offer some great bragging rights. Entries can be submitted over the next several months as your plants come into bloom. See this link for more information.…  The show includes all Iris and Irids.  I am in the process of getting prizes donated but each entry will receive a virtual ribbon/certificate of entry. Classes can be divided if for example I get 50 Irids we may break them into genera as entries come in. An entry is four pictures, as specified in the directions. Hope we can all have fun with this.

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