Zephyranthes macrosiphon question ???

Alani Davis alanidae@gmail.com
Sat, 18 Jan 2014 16:51:27 PST
Steve and Ina
 I am not familiar with that book and interested to learn of it. I won't
say I have any taxonomic level mastery in Mexican and Central American
Zephyranthes spp. though I have grown quite a few of them and long been a
fan of them. I have not heard of a yellow form of Zephyranthes macrosiphon
before that I can remember. I have been growing the a "typical" rose pink
form for 15 years that was supposed to have come from the late Thad Howard
and I have long trusted it was in fact that spp. It grows well for me and
sets plenty of seed which seem to be able to "migrate" in the garden quite
well, so I have gotten fairly good at separating straying rainlilies that
come up in the lawn or away from their parent patches. A couple of
characters jump out at me as quite different of these yellow flower Zeph's
from what I know as Z. macrosiphon. The leaves are too narrow and not
nearly as dark a medium green as Z. macrosiphon. I am guessing a bit on the
size relative to other objects in the pictures but the flowers seem to be
smaller than what I consider Z. macrosiphon with narrower tepals. I agree
with you Steve these look like Zephyranthes primulina but much darker or
Zephyranthes dicromantha (which looks a lot like a darker Z. primulina to
me!). In looking at the the Pine Mountain Nursery site, I would mention
that is definitely not the real Zephyranthes rosea they have photoed under
that name either. The real Z. rosea looks quite different.


On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 3:46 AM, Ina Crossley <klazina1@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have the book Steven, they are right in that is what it says in the
> book.  What it says in the book is
> "Z. macrosiphon is a Mexican species with large flowers carried in
> summer on stems about 15cms long.  The flowers are usually rose with a
> greenish tube.  A beautiful lemon-yellow form with golden anthers also
> occurs."
> Can someone confirm that statement please?
> Ina
> Ina Crossley
> Auckland New Zealand zone 10a
> On 18/01/2014 9:14 p.m., steven hart wrote:
> > Hello Zephyranthes experts, i bought some zephyranthes from Pine Mountain
> > Nursery & they have a dark yellow with a slight rose blush back of petal,
> > looks like Z. Dicromantha, its darker then primulina, but it is marked as
> > Z. macrosiphon...  When i said macrosiphon is pink, they told me that it
> is
> > a new macrosiphon that is yellow & said it is noted in pages 183 to 184
> of
> > “Bulbs for Gardeners and Collectors” by Hobbs and Hatch..
> >
> > It sounds incorrect to me, can any one confirm if it is possible that
> there
> > is a yellow one now ?
> >
> >
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