Erythronium morphology

Fri, 21 Nov 2014 16:35:59 PST
"Saccate appendage " is used in Molly Grothaus' article in Bulbs of North America.  " Inflated saclike appendages" in Hitchcock and Cronquist:  Flora of the Pacific Northwest.

On 2014-11-21, at 8:59 AM, Jane McGary wrote:

> I have been asked to write a brief review of Chris Clennett, "The Genus Erythronium," a recently published Kew monograph. I was puzzled to encounter the phrase "sac-like appendages" applied to the structures seen on some western American species. In other literature I have seen these called "auricles." Does Clennet's avoidance of the word "auricle" mean that it has been misused by previous authors in reference to Erythronium?

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