Sharing seeds of rare plants
Thu, 13 Nov 2014 19:23:49 PST
Hello Kathleen,

Will you please let me know the name(s) of the Iris species to which you 
are referring?

The federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) lists only Iris lacustris, a 
federally listed endangered species of Michigan and Wisconsin that is 
allied to Iris cristata and is completely unrelated to Pacific Coast 
Iris species.

The California Endangered Species Act (CESA) does not list any Iris 
species at all.

Thank you and kind regards.

> Kathleen Sayce (/Wed, 12 Nov 2014 08:47:28 PST/)
> I have also had very negative experiences with the California Native 
> Plant Society, concerning ESA-listed Pacific Coast Iris, even though 
> the plants were garden grown, and had been so long before this species 
> was listed. My personal conclusion was, when I had seeds from my own 
> plants, that I would go ahead and share them to nonprofit seed 
> exchanges. But I agree, those folks can be quite rabid on the subject!
> Kathleen 

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