Rhodophiala bifida

Nathan Lange plantsman@comcast.net
Mon, 06 Oct 2014 16:14:33 PDT

I have found that Rhodophiala bifida grows extremely well and flowers 
very reliably in both coastal and inland California, in the ground or 
in pots. Bulbs are commercially produced along the California coast 
in the Monterey Bay area in sandy soil somewhat similar to the 
extremely sandy soils found in most of San Francisco, although sandy 
soils are completely unnecessary. PBS member Bill the Bulb Baron 
grows and sells high quality bulbs of both the red flowering Oxblood 
form and an interesting pink flowering mixture of varying shades of pink:
Now is a very good time of the year to purchase and plant R. bifida bulbs.

Timing of autumn flowering can easily be manipulated by withholding 
irrigation and one can have R. bifida plants in flower from August 
until well into November. In fact, I'm surprised I have never seen 
potted R. bifida plants in flower around the December holidays, 
probably because they need a year to settle in after planting before 
flowering well. Whether in pots or in the ground, always plant the 
bulbs in mass for the best display of flowers.


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