Money raised from the bulb sale

Diana Chapman
Fri, 07 Dec 2018 07:27:37 PST
Dear Friends:

Here is the tally so far on the bulb sale, plus additional donations for 
the fire victims:

Proceeds from the bulb sale:  $3,015.00

Additional donations for the fire victims:  $534  (some people donated 

Orders have slowed down and I am running out of some species, but I 
expect to be able to fill any orders that are in the mail.  I will be 
making some adjustments to the sale page.  I will continue to send the 
money to aid the fire victims.  It may be out of the news, but the 
crisis continues for those who lost their homes.

I have been donating for animal rescue from my own funds.  For the 
animal lovers on the list, there is a desperate need for funds for 
veterinary treatment and medications for the hundreds of animals 
rescued, many of which haven not been claimed.  I am donating to the 
California Veterinary Medical Reserve Corps (CAVMRC), any animal shelter 
in Butte County needs funds.

My heartfelt thanks to all who participated in the fund raising.

Telos Rare Bulbs
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