Nerine filifolia seeds

M Gastil-Buhl via pbs
Wed, 02 Dec 2020 11:17:01 PST
My Nerine filifolia bloomed much earlier. It usually made lots of seed. But
I am learning that the screen house, designed to keep out pesky scrub jays,
also keeps out some pollinators even though the mesh is 1" wide. The past
few years I have watered these through the summer and they seem to grow
more leaves and bloom more as an evergreen than when I used to let them go
dormant in summer. One curious feature of mine is the leaves turn brown at
the ends but keep pushing out new green length. I give them a hair cut to
keep the pot looking nice. Last year I sowed some of the seed carefully
instead of just tossing it on top of the same pot. Each seed only made 2
leaves but they stayed green all through the summer, with water.

Some of my Nerine bowdenii seeds are beginning to ripen now. And some are
still blooming strong despite recent light frost.

Santa Barbara
where we still have not had more than 0.05" of rain since May.
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