Rhubarb and leeks

D. K. drkuonen@hotmail.com
Sun, 12 Jan 2020 04:00:23 PST
Jo and others;
The advise you gave on leeks does work here, but they often stop growing and go dormant in the heat of the summer, while still small, then they are all messed up.  I have found, on digging them out, that they often have produced bulbils at the base.  I am going to try harvesting these now, dry them off, and plant mid summer, so they can run up to winter and go dormant, like I think they expect to; just another 'real life' experiment in the works!
Re: warm climate rhubarb.  What's up; did you rhubarb people fall asleep?  No one has a seed or a crown they could share for a poor old rhubarb starved crazie?  Jo, the link was helpful, I'll have to adapt it a little, or just learn to do all my vegetable gardening at Kroger's.  They seem quite successful with most things, HA.
Don (drkuonen@hotmail.com)
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