Stinky Bulb Now in Flower

Judy Glattstein via pbs
Mon, 14 Jun 2021 08:08:50 PDT
As I turned my car into the driveway a black vulture flew up from the 
ground and perched on a low branch. "Aha!" I thought to myself and 
walked over. Sure enough, the Dracunculus vulgaris is in perfect bloom.

The vulture is interesting because A) never had vultures investigating 
it previously, that I'm aware of, and B) neighborhood dogs seem immune 
to its olfactory lure.

Since camera was in the car (I consider it like an American Express 
card, if you remember the commercials - don't leave home without it) we 
paused for photo op before continuing up the driveway.

As I put the car back into drive gear my husband quietly commented, "I'm 
really glad you did not plant it near the house."

Judy in overcast and comfortably temperate New Jersey

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