Short lived/recalcitrant seed

Lee Poulsen via pbs
Wed, 14 Sep 2022 11:14:51 PDT
I had the same reaction when I read Jan’s statement, although I completely understand Jan’s reasons. However, if I were to announce that I had some seeds available, I don’t have the time or materials to send them out to multiple different people. The thought occurred that if I didn’t just want to throw the seed away, I could instead ask if any of the people who wanted seed would be willing to receive all the seeds and divide and mail them out to the others who wanted them too. But I don’t know how well that would work, every time I had ephemeral seeds. I feel like I’ll just need to toss the seeds, but I’m sure there are people out there who would want them. For example, I have some, now older but still not sprouting nor desiccated, seeds from Crinum pedunculatum that my label says came from the southernmost known stand of them in Australia (which I think means possibly the most cold-hardy variety?), and there will soon be a bunch of Crinum variabile seeds ripe.
Another consideration that is helpful is that many recalcitrant seeds in my experience, even after they sprout, can be planted upon reception anyway, and will do just fine. Some will even form a small bulb without ever being planted, if you wait long enough.

--Lee Poulsen
San Gabriel Valley, California, USA - USDA Zone 10a
Latitude 34°N, Altitude 340 ft/100 m

> On Sep 14, 2022, at 7:17 AM, Mary Sue Ittner via pbs <> wrote:
> I was disappointed to read that Jan has decided not to process seed that needs to be planted quickly. I have some Haemanthus seed that is ripe/ripening and expect other Amaryllid seed this fall. Since we now have two wonderful volunteers processing seed and bulbs I'm wondering if there could be a third person willing to take on this kind of seed.  It would be a great benefit for the membership.
> Mary Sue
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