Free bulb offer closed

R Hansen via pbs
Sat, 05 Aug 2023 12:53:20 PDT

Your cynical view is yours, of course. I regret to inform you that as with a number of smaller organizations I've been involved with, the largest difficulty is in finding ANYONE to volunteer to run for an office. Many people no longer want to volunteer to give up some time on a regular basis to provide support to an organization such as PBS. They want the benefits of the organization without the work.

The state of volunteerism everywhere is suffering because of this problem. Your particular view is to my mind unfortunate, but not uncommon. I've suffered from it myself...

I ran for the office of President of PBS with the intent that I would serve only one or two terms and move on. I do not believe it serves any organization well to continue to hold an office for years. The organization can consequently suffer from a lack of new ideas, new experience and new points of view.

Jane McGary has spent some time attempting to find volunteers for the Nominating without results. I would hope that members could consider giving her and PBS just a few hours so that we will find interested parties willing to help PBS continue to provide some very unusual and uncommon benefits to our members, i.e. seed and bulb exchanges and the Wiki, among others.

Best regards,

Robin Hansen
Current PBS President

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