Seed Exchange 14-Trillium seed

Jan Jeddeloh via pbs
Thu, 27 Jul 2023 18:20:27 PDT
This seed exchange is first come, first served.  It closes July 30 at 5 pm Pacific Daylight Time.

This is a special pop-up mini seed exchange for trillium seeds and a couple of other species.  Unlike the regular seed exchanges this one will be first come, first served.  Orders will be numbered in the order they come in so don’t dilly-dally.  All these seeds, except the Arisaema flavum, will need to be sown immediately.  DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO DRY OUT. They will all be shipped moist in plastic bags.
As with other seed exchanges the top of your order must have your postal address with your email below (in case I have questions later).  If I have to chase you down for this information your order automatically goes to the bottom of the stack.  
Seeds will be $2 per packet with a minimum of 5 seeds per packet.  Order by the name in bold.  In most cases there will be at least 10 seeds but if there is high demand you may only get 5 seeds per packet.  Shipping will be $4 domestic, international shipping at cost. Send your orders to
Donated by Charles Hunter
Here is some information from Charles regarding the hardiness of southern trillium:
“Hardiness is mostly related to late freezes for plants that are very early. Trillums do have antifreeze, but a few from north FL ( decipiens and north FL lancifolium) are so early that folks in northern states and Canada will find that they will emerge and bloom before hard freezes. Since they all grow fine outside for me in my 7b north Georgia garden, I do not have a reason to know how far north they can be grown outside. But Fred Case (author of the book " Trillums") stated in his book that decipiens and early underwoodii were not good outdoors in his Michigan garden due to repeated hard freezes after they emerge. Note that the Alabama piedmont underwoodii seeds I sent you are later to emerge and bloom and might do Ok in most northern gardens. The underwoodii found in north Florida and adjacent SW Georgia is VERY early, but I did not get seeds from those this year.”
Trillium cuneatum
Trillium decipiens.  Very early, should be a pot plant in colder climates.
Trillium flexipes.  Southern form NE Alabama.  Heat tolerant.
Trillium foetidissimum. Native to eastern Louisiana and southwest Mississippi.
Trillium lancifolium.  Very early north Florida form.  Should be a pot plant in colder climates.
Trillium oostingii. South Carolina.  Mostly yellow-green flowers with a few dark purple. Rare form
Trillium pusillum
Trillium underwoodii. Later Alabama Piedmost form.  Better for colder climates.
I have fairly low quantities of these southeastern trilliums so early bird gets the worm. 
Donated by me, Jan Jeddeloh. 
Trillium albidum.  Hand pollinated. Pod parent is a particularly nice form.
Trillium kurabayashii
Trillium (kurabayashii x albidum) X albidum.  The pod parent is a mid-pink with nice wide petals. It is a cross I made some years ago.  I made this cross to try to get a pale pink.  I’ve planted a fair bit of the seed myself.  
I have fairly large quantities of these trilliums.  Let me know about how many seeds you would like but if you’re really greedy, and I have the seed, I may charge you an extra $2 for a generous packet.  
Fellow shade travelers.
Amorphophallus kiusianus 
Arisaema flavum This is left over from SX13 but it’s a nice shade plant that deserves some love.
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