Joe Gorman BX Donation Notes

Joseph Gorman via pbs
Sat, 21 Oct 2023 19:32:03 PDT
Hey y'all,

Not sure how much of my notes will make it into the soon-to-be-released BX
list, and I've been up since 5am for a plant sale I'm vending at and
probably won't be awake much longer, so here's the info I sent Bridget plus
some additional notes:

Acis tingitana PBS BX468#5 Jane McGary

Albuca bracteata/Ornithogalum longebracteatum - from the discount rack of
the local garden center c. 2020

Habranthus robustus - I think this was received as Rhodophiala bifida AGS
SX68#3923, but since this pot was involved in Amaryllipocalypse it could be
a tag mix-up and actually be AGS SX67#2842.

Habranthus sp. AGS SX67#2843 - I think this is H. tubispathus.

Habranthus tubispathus - unsure of source, likely Habranthus robustus
'Aureus' from AGS SX67#2846; or possibly PBS BX424#4 Habranthus
tubispathus, typical Texas form, from Fred Thorne

Ledebouria socialis - from Green Spring Gardens c. 1999

Romulea rosea SRGC SX71#3322 & Romulea pratensis SRGC SX71#3320 - unsure of
ID on these, both look similar to me, are tall (for Romulea) with small,
long-stemmed purplish flowers and intricate green/silver patterning on
reverse. Set a lot of seed - there may be some in with the corms.

Zephyranthes concolor AGS SX66#5031

Zephyranthes drummondii AGS SX66#5032

Zephyranthes morrisclintii NARGS SX18-19#2179

AGS = Alpine Garden Society
SRGC = Scottish Rock Garden Club
NARGS = North American Rock Garden Society*

*Per Laura Serowicz, NARGS seed exchanges are usually notated as the
donation year. I put 18-19 in case others do it differently!
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