Gladiolus overbergensis

Quick Characteristics:

Flower Colors: red
Life form: corm

Gladiolus overbergensis Goldblatt & Vos is a rare species found in the southern part of the southwestern Cape. Growing from 35 to 50 cm high, it is reported to be found in sandy loam and fynbos or fynbos-renosterveld, flowering July-September. Flowers are bright red to orange with a long perianth tube which could make them adapted for pollination by sunbirds. Past names include Antholyza guthriei L.Bolus and Homoglossum guthriei (L.Bolus) L.Bolus. Photo from iNaturalist taken by Lindsay Lewis taken in the Overberg in June and shared under a CC BY-NC license.

Gladiolus overbergensis, Lindsay Lewis, iNaturalist, CC BY-NCGladiolus overbergensis, Lindsay Lewis, iNaturalist, CC BY-NCGladiolus overbergensis, Lindsay Lewis, iNaturalist, CC BY-NC

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