Bulbs for Shade A-B

This page lists alphabetically genera or species from A-B recommended for growing in shade by members of the PBS list, sometimes with comments, followed by the name and the location of the person who suggested them, usually from experience growing them. There are links for more information and if we have photos of these plants on the wiki, we have included a few photos to illustrate them on this page.

Allium triquetrum was a favorite shade plant of Ann, Southern California. This species has naturalized in many parts of the world and is on many weed lists.

Allium triquetrum, Cornwall, Bob Rutemoeller

Alpinia zerumbet was a favorite of Boyce Tankersley when he lived in Galveston, Texas, zone 8.

Alpinia zerumbet, Nhu Nguyen

Anemone blanda was suggested by Rodger Whitlock, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada as a species you might be surprised would do well in shade.

Anemone blanda, John LonsdaleAnemone blanda, John Lonsdale

Amorphophallus konjac has incredible leaves and gives a very tropical feel to my shady border. I'm not confident about leaving it outside for the winter here in the UK, so it gets to enjoy a slightly different spot each year. Comments from Matthew Gale, Birmingham, UK.

Amorphophallus rivieri var. konjac flowers, Angelo PorcelliAmorphophallus rivieri var. konjac leaves, Angelo Porcelli

Arisaema, both American and Asian, was a popular choice. The deer do not eat this genus and plants provide an interesting, bizarre, unusual, varied selection for the shade. There is incredible variation in leaf forms and the stems are often mottled with intricate patterns of greys, browns, pinks, and greens. Favorites of Judy Glattstein, New Jersey, Matthew Gale, Birmingham, UK, Ernie O'Byrne, Eugene, Oregon, Jim Shields, central Indiana, and Boyce Tankersley for Chicago, Illinois zone 5. The following species were mentioned:

Arisaema candidissimum was suggested by Ernie O'Byrne, Eugene, Oregon.

Arisaema candidissimum in Sichuan, Oron PeriArisaema candidissimum, red, Oron Peri

Arisaema griffithii was suggested by Ernie O'Byrne, Eugene, Oregon.

Arisaema griffithii, Giorgio PozziArisaema griffithii, Giorgio Pozzi

Arisaema sikokianum would be the first choice of Ernie O'Byrne, Eugene, Oregon if he had to pick, especially the silver leaved forms and when grown in masses. He said, "There is just something about that pure, pristine, white spadix against the very dark spathe that really does it for me." Jim Shields in central Indiana also recommended this species.

Arisaema sikokianum, John LonsdaleArisaema sikokianum silver center leaves, Giorgio Pozzi

Arisaema tortuosum was also suggested by Ernie O'Byrne, Eugene, Oregon.

Arisaema tortuosum, Arnold TrachtenbergArisaema tortuosum fruit, Arnold Trachtenberg

Arisaema triphyllum was suggested by Rodger Whitlock, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

Arisaema triphyllum ssp. triphyllum purple, Giorgio PozziArisaema triphyllum ssp. triphyllum green, Giorgio Pozzi

Arisarum proboscideum was a favorite of Judy Glattstein in New Jersey.

Arisarum proboscideum, Kelly IrvinArisarum proboscideum, Susan Hayek

Arum maculatum was a favorite of Jamie Vande, Cologne, Germany Zone 8 who found not two plants were quite alike and it made a beautiful clump when established, dying down early, leaving room for later plants.

Arum maculatum, Jamie VandeArum maculatum, Bob Rutemoeller

Asarum canadense was suggested by someone who grew it in dense shade in Iowa where it spread quickly by rhizomes and seed.

Asarum canadense, John LonsdaleAsarum canadense, John Lonsdale

Begonia grandis was a favorite bulb for shade for Boyce Tankersley from his time in St. Louis, Missouri, zone 6. Jamie Vande, Cologne, Germany, wrote that it was a real joy, bulbil-ing itself all around, lending an exotic air with it's wing-like leaves. He wrote, "Does well in my clay and equally well in loose woodland soil. Handles sun, but seems to prefer shade and ambient moisture. Although said to only reach 30-45 cm (12-18"), mine reaches almost 100 cm."

Begonia grandis, Jay YourchBegonia grandis, Jay Yourch

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