Rhodophiala sp. F&W 9527

Started by CG100, October 19, 2022, 12:19:10 PM

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The supplier of this to me, in the UK, has never flowered this plant. 
Another UK source of information suggests that it is a pink form of R. bagnoldii, in which case it would probably be from very sandy habitat with infrequent heavy rains, and winter-growing.

Does anyone know the plant, or even better, has anyone flowered it? Better yet, would they care to share?


As far as I know, there is no pink form of Rhodophiala bagnoldii, which has bright yellow flowers. However, in the same general area one finds Rhodophiala ananuca, which comes in various shades from white to peach and soft pink. Both these species grow in deep sand near the Pacific shoreline. I tracked down #9527 in their 2001 seedlist and it does say "apparently the same as R. bagnoldii in all except colour which is a lovely variable pale milky pink all the way down to white. The site is described only as "somewhat inland," well, R. ananuca is best seen on the inland side of a big stabilized dune formation and a narrow valley with a stream in rain years. As I have seen them, R. bagnoldii has green leaves at flowering, while R. ananuca's leaves are withered at flowering.


Thanks for the information.
The plant is in a very gritty compost in a clay pot and it may be an optical illusion that it has made less than 1mm of new leaf growth beyond the tunics so far.

It will get a drench every 7-10 days and will likely dry out between.