You never know. At first I thought it might be a Rubus volunteer (thanks to bird distribution). but then I though the pot has always been in the greenhouse, so maybe a volunteer Pelargonium (not many dicots that produce seeds in there). Lets wait and see.
I think it was the 4th leaf that started the progression towards Pel. bowkeri. The last leaf is entirely typical for bowkeri. On mature bowkeri plants, even the tiniest stem buds produce fimbriated leaves.
in wet, cool San Francisco
where Pelargonium bowkeri has to live in the greenhouse because it melts in the fog.
I think it was the 4th leaf that started the progression towards Pel. bowkeri. The last leaf is entirely typical for bowkeri. On mature bowkeri plants, even the tiniest stem buds produce fimbriated leaves.
in wet, cool San Francisco
where Pelargonium bowkeri has to live in the greenhouse because it melts in the fog.