So I have grown what was supposed to be G. flanaganii twice from seed. Both times they grew quite fast, but both times I didn't get to storing the bulbs inside for the winter, and of course, they froze. (I live in zone 4.) They didn't bloom (should they have?), consequently, I can't actually say they were true to name.
This third time (all 3 batches from different sources), from the very start they have been growing very slowly. And now they are all going to put up flowers at such a small size! The only difference I can think of is that this time I started them in early March under lights (15hrs light/9hrs dark) until I could bring them out in late April. The first two batches I started outside in May. Could they be sensitive to night length? Temperature?
This third time (all 3 batches from different sources), from the very start they have been growing very slowly. And now they are all going to put up flowers at such a small size! The only difference I can think of is that this time I started them in early March under lights (15hrs light/9hrs dark) until I could bring them out in late April. The first two batches I started outside in May. Could they be sensitive to night length? Temperature?