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Topics - Chlorophylous

General Discussion / Drimiopsis Sp. Seed
August 19, 2024, 09:54:38 PM
I have a plant labeled as Drimiopsis Sp. which has now produced seed. How and when do I plant them? I live in S. California and generally the plant goes dormant in another few months. Should I wait to plant seeds until Spring when the parent normally wakes up? 
General Discussion / Lycoris sprengeri bulbs
January 19, 2024, 11:17:42 AM
I have been on the look out for L. sprengeri for quite some time but they are always sold out by the time I find them. Much to my surprise I found 3 bulbs for sale on eBay and purchased them. They arrived in good shape and look very healthy. My question is, when do I plant them? I live in the San Fernando Valley outside of Los Angeles in zone 9b/10a and will be growing them in a pot. I don't know if there is enough time for them to grow leaves and then go dormant for Summer or if I should wait and pot them up in Fall (If they will last that long).