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Topics - Bulbs and blooms

Hello! I grow a lot of South African bulbs and have been seeing a lot of South American bulbs and am curious about the care requirements. I live in a very hot dry part of Los Angeles. It's wet during winter but not too cold 35f lowest. What soil do South American bulbs like and how much sun can they handle? Do they like shade? The genera I'm interested in are Bessera, Eustephia, Eucrosia, Habranthus, Hippeastrum, Leucocoryne, Milla, Phaedranassa, Sprekalia, and Hymenocallis. Do they all have somewhat similar care or do they all have different requirements?
General Discussion / Does any grow other crocus sp.?
April 23, 2024, 05:08:51 PM
Hi guys!

I'm new to this forum. Only got an account a little while ago. But I have a question. Does anyone here grow any other species of crocus that's not sativus? Does anyone have any experience with them? And do you guys know of anyone who sells or donates them?