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Topics - Bulbous

Mystery Bulbs / A little unknown gem
November 09, 2024, 09:48:42 AM
This little guy popped up in a pot I had thought was empty.  I'm not sure which BX I received it from but it is an interesting little thing.  I'm not sure if it is even a bulb!

Anyone have an idea of what it might be?

Jim Foster
Santa Barbara
General Discussion / Odd inflorescence behavioir
July 18, 2024, 12:37:05 PM
Last year both of my large B. josephinae developed a pronounced curve in their inflorescence stalks.  One is in the front garden and one in the rear.  The front one is pictured. Why they did this is a mystery to me.  Has anyone else experienced this?  The one in back grew nearly horizontal to the ground after emerging.

Santa Barbara
Current Photographs / B. haemanthoides
July 18, 2024, 11:02:37 AM
My Boophone haemanthoides have suddenly decided to bloom but this bulb has 2 flowering stalks!  This is a first for me.
Mystery Bulbs / Lovely white ?
June 03, 2024, 11:38:32 AM
This was part of a bulb exchange a while back but I cannot recall which.  The list had Babiana ecklonii as #3 but I've searched the lists but it does not appear.

It is a lovely flower with leaves like a gladiola of some kind.
Mystery Bulbs / Popped up in my garden.
December 11, 2023, 10:44:35 AM
I guess it has been growing there for a while.  This is the first time it has bloomed.  It appears to be a Nerine
I've had this one for over 15 years and for the past 5 years or so has flowered erratically at various times and leaf stages.  It has ruffled leaves much like the much larger B. haemanthoides in the background but the leaves are recurved and as you can see reach the ground.  The flower size is smaller than other Boophones I have.  Could it be a Aus?
Current Photographs / Burning man hat
November 29, 2023, 09:11:10 AM
I told people this was my antenna for the universe link.
General Discussion / Stake woes
May 09, 2023, 04:21:26 PM
I hate to say it but I have numerous pots sitting about with small likely bulbus growth and I have not clue of what they are.  the stake tips are missing.  It is my fault for using the cheepies that I bought locally and became very brittle, the material is likely mostly calcium carbonate. 
General Discussion / moving Boophone and Burnsvigia bulbs
February 18, 2023, 01:06:15 PM
Unfortunately my little bulb garden has been overtaken by these very large plants (at least from a bulb perspective).  They are becoming overcrowded and I simply have to move a couple.  I understand they do not take kindly to moving them.  I have one disticha which is now dormant and about the size of a softball.  Any thoughts about moving it to a new location in the garden?  You can contact me privately.

My Brunsvigia bosmaniae's leaves have also covered a lot of ground and they will need attention too.

Santa Barbara
General Discussion / Next seed exchange
August 03, 2022, 04:25:20 PM
When is the next seed exchange and where do I send them.  I have a good handful of B. haemanthoides seed but they are trying to sprout.

Jim Foster 
Santa Barbara
Hey Uli, are you having any problems with fires or heat? I hope you avoid most of these events.

I get nervous here in California when either happens but especially so when I can see flames.

Jim Foster
Santa Barbara
Mystery Bulbs / Suspected Hippeastrum
June 05, 2022, 08:32:56 AM
This is the first time it has bloomed.  It was grown from a tiny bulb for 6-7 years.  I have a problem with crows liking my garden stakes.
Current Photographs / Boophone progress
May 29, 2022, 03:17:12 PM
I've had this bulb for about 10 years.  It's a Boophone haemanthoides and I can't wait to see it in full flower.