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Messages - Arnold

General Off-Topic / Gladioli of South Africa USA Only
October 13, 2022, 06:44:45 PM
I have mailed all the books that have been pre-ordered in the US.

If you paid and didn't get on let me know.

We will have  four extra copies if no one reaches out with a problem.

If you're interested please send $35.00 to PayPal or email me that you want one and are sending a check.

I will take first come first serve on payments and email reservations  for books with checks on the way. 

PayPal to Arnold


c/o Arnold Trachtenberg
140 Lakeview Avenue
Leonia, NJ 07605

General Plants and Gardening / Re: Ipomoea quamoclit
October 11, 2022, 12:50:21 PM

That's fine, he's in Germany.
General Plants and Gardening / Ipomoea quamoclit
October 11, 2022, 07:15:51 AM
 From a Friend looking for some seeds:

I'm searching in this time for seeds of Ipomoea quamoclit ...I try it since many years but until now without success
Some seed sellers offer it ...but they are always wrong named
Here is the true plant ( Ipomoea quamoclit ):
That's the hybrid ( it is easy to get – Ipomoea x multifida runs also under Ipomoea x sloteri ) ...this plant I have
General Discussion / Gladioli of South AFrica
October 04, 2022, 03:54:05 AM
The final box of Gladioli books has arrived and I will be sending them out in the next few days.

I was posted from South Africa on Jan. 10, 2022 and sat in a warehouse until a ship was released from SA a couple of weeks ago.

Current Photographs / Re: Hepl with repotting the bulbs
September 08, 2022, 02:47:31 PM
Well Randy

I was somewhat successful watching soccer.  Wife is now  Leeds fan, don't ask how she picked Leeds.

I'm on the Tottenham side of things.

Current Photographs / Hepl with repotting the bulbs
September 08, 2022, 02:34:36 PM
I've been repotting all the winter active bulbs outside to keep the marital bliss in my household.

I took a break for a bit of lunch and see I've gained an assistant.  Glad he's watching over the discarded potting soil so well.

His name is "Speck" for the tiny speck of color on his face.  He's one of two feral cats we feed and encourage to hang around.  Keeps the squirrels and others away from plants.
Bulb and Seed Exchanges / Re: BX/SX arrears
August 30, 2022, 03:26:43 PM
PayPal has changed their settings for international transactions. 

If you pay for a BX/SX you must use the PBS interface.  PayPal will only allow international movement of funds if it is for "Goods and Services"

Here is the link to pay for BX/SX's

Add your name and put the BX/SX number in the appropriate box along with the amount.

This will assure that a receipt is generated satisfying Paypal's new criteria.

Thank you,

Current Photographs / Re: Crinum
August 25, 2022, 07:34:52 PM
Have these in the ground in N New Jersey for over 20 years.  No additional protection.
General Discussion / Re: Moved Rhodophiala Outdoors
August 24, 2022, 06:56:26 PM

We all started somewhere on the learning curve with the quest to grow exotic bulbs.  

Current Photographs / Re: Crinum
August 23, 2022, 07:28:23 PM

I grow a couple of  Crinums here in Northern NJ.  They are in the ground all winter. I think they a bit tougher than we think.

The bulbs will dive down to get away from cold temps.
General Discussion / Re: Moved Rhodophiala Outdoors
August 23, 2022, 07:26:14 PM

I've always tried to keep them growing as long as possible in their first year. Move to more favorable environs if you must.  I'd look to report in 2-3 years when bulbs have bulked up a bit.
General Discussion / Re: Plants in the News
August 23, 2022, 07:24:46 PM
The Romans had trouble with honey as well.
Current Photographs / Re: Eucrosia and attempt to post
August 03, 2022, 06:43:12 PM
Great work.

Such an exotic beauty.
Current Photographs / August photos
August 03, 2022, 11:13:32 AM
Here's Stenomesson variegatum  Also known as Clinanthus vareigatum.

I noticed at the base of the  stamens which are fused into a ring with  green projections.  Beyond my knowledge of flower morphology.
My understanding is that the exothermic process of the flower  further imitates the environment of rotting flesh.

This provides more than one attractant for pollinators.