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Messages - Arnold

Current Photographs / Re: March 2024
March 24, 2024, 02:55:46 PM
Lachenalia liliiflora a bit further along and a close-up.
Current Photographs / Re: March 2024
March 21, 2024, 11:14:28 AM
Lachenalia liliiflora
Moraea polyanthos
User Profiles / Re: A newbie from Germany
March 21, 2024, 06:24:39 AM


Your English is just fine.
Amaryllidaceae of South Africa book fans

I have ordered the first box of books from South Africa.

I will close the ordering period on March 31 12 PM New York Time.

The book is $80.00 shipped to USA addresses.

If you are sending in a check let me know in case it arrives late.

Mailing address is
c/o Arnold Trachtenberg
140 Lakeview Avenue
Leonia, NJ 07605

PayPal to:

Indicate it's BX 1 and for the Amaryllis book in the note section.

We have reached a level of interest with a number of books where we can proceed with the order.

Please pay via check or via PayPal in the amount of $80.00. (USA addresses only)

Checks made out to:
c/o Arnold Trachtenberg
140 Lakeview Avenue
Leonia, NJ 07605

PayPal to

Put a note on the payment it's for the Amaryllidaceae of South Africa andfor PayPal a BX/SX number of "1"

Here:   BX/SX Payments

Current Photographs / Re: March 2024
March 14, 2024, 07:08:51 PM
I think mine may be a bit of a hybrid.  It seeds all over the greenhouse bench and I have 4-5 pots with it growing.
The publisher of THE AMARYLLIDACEAE OF SOUTHERN AFRICA, is closing down in May. 

We have been offered  a bulk purchase for our membership.
I'm writing to gauge the interest on the part of our membership.
I estimate the price delivered to USA addresses only at $85-90 delivered.
Once we get a estimate I can get a better idea of the exact price.
There is a bit of a savings on shipping for larger number of books.
You can write me privately at with your interest.

Here's a description of the book.

Author: Graham Duncan, Barbara Jeppe, Leigh Voigt

Barbara Jeppe, botanical artist extraordinaire, began work on the paintings in July 1971 and for the next 28 years she collected and painted over 200 species of Amaryllidaceae. After her death in 1999, her daughter, Leigh Voigt, a versatile and highly acclaimed artist herself, picked up where her mother left off and painted most of the subsequently described species. This thorough easy-to-use guide is the first book dedicated entirely to the 18 genera in the family Amaryllidaceae in southern Africa. Apart from the over 240 exceptional watercolor plates there are detailed distribution maps and magnificent photographs showing plants in typical habitat conditions. There is an index, glossary and bibliography. The text has been written by one of the most knowledgeable horticulturists and botanists in the field, the inimitable Graham Duncan, who has written many books and articles on bulbs. The comprehensive text includes a full description of each species, a short history of the discovery of each plant, nomenclature, medical and other uses, various aspects of cultivation, pollination, locality preference and affinities with similar species. There is a separate chapter on the cultivation of the species in the summer and winter rainfall areas in southern Africa and also in the northern hemisphere. This eagerly awaited book will be an asset to every botanical book lover's library.

Clivia nobilis has a small notch at the leaf tip.
PBS Members Affairs / Bulbs available
March 09, 2024, 08:32:39 AM
The Pacific Bulb Society is proud to announce an addition to our data base of bulb related material.

The publication Bulbs which was produced by the International Bulb Society in the early 2000's is now available on our site.

See here:

Bulbs | Pacific Bulb Society

Anyone have any of the issues missing can let me know and we will scan them and add to the archive.

Current Photographs / Re: March 2024
March 03, 2024, 02:39:31 PM
Gladiolus tristis

Lachenalia thomasiae  I could easily be convinced it's something else.
PBS Members Affairs / Hebertia available
March 01, 2024, 05:44:58 AM
With the hard work of Michael and Paul at Gardener's Pride Botanical's,  they have allowed the PBS to link to their site where copies of the publication of the International Bulb Society are available.

They are continuing the project of scanning all of the old volumes.

They can be found here on the PBS site which will lead you to their site.

The Archive | Pacific Bulb Society

Thanks to Paul and Michael.

Current Photographs / Re: February 2024
February 29, 2024, 12:33:57 PM
Gladiolus equitans

Lachenalia sp.
Current Photographs / Re: February 2024
February 28, 2024, 01:08:37 PM
A Gladiolus huttoni  with some other things thrown in.
Hi Ken

I've never done pollen storage but in the past I've read that using old 35 mm film containers with a descicant packet was common.

I'm sure there are some real Hippeastrum growers out there who could add to this.
Current Photographs / Re: February 2024
February 23, 2024, 09:55:22 AM
Lachenalia pallida pink form