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Messages - Arnold

General Discussion / Re: Colchicum candidissimum
January 08, 2024, 05:46:20 AM
D. Zubov is a Ukrainian geneticist   with a passion for Colchicum, Galanthus and Paeonia.

He wrote an entire issue of the Bulb Garden for us a number of years ago just on Colchicum.

Paint the water bottles black and you'll do much better with stored heat.
Current Photographs / Re: January 2024
January 03, 2024, 08:09:13 AM
Massonia depressa 'Kamiesberg'
Current Photographs / Re: January 2024
January 03, 2024, 08:08:29 AM
Veltheimia bracteata
Current Photographs / Re: January 2024
January 03, 2024, 08:07:54 AM
Couple of Lachenalias.

Not 100% sure of ID's.
PBS Members Affairs / Re: Treasurers Notes
December 27, 2023, 11:16:55 AM
I like to take this opportunity to wish all of the PBS'ers out there a Happy Holiday season and a prosperous New Year.
Couple of announcements:
Our Bulb Garden has been delayed due to some illness on the part of our editor.  We should have it in the mail early next year.
With dues set to increase in 2024 you can pay for one or multiple years at the old rate of $20.00 for Domestic and $25.00 for overseas memberships.
Membership rates increase of of Jan. 1, 2024 by $5.00 for each membership category

We still have a number of members with outstanding amounts due on past BX/SX distributions.
You can reach out to me if your not sure if you are in arrears.

We've experienced some mailing problems and PayPal has not always notified me of payments made.
I can do a search on PayPal for payments just provide the email address you use for your account.
Looking forward to a very flower full  year in  the Pacific Bulb Society  and hopefully in all or your gardens.
Current Photographs / Re: December 2023 photos
December 23, 2023, 10:20:59 AM
Lachenalia bulbifera
Ferraria densepunctulata
Gladiolus griseus
Moraea polystachya
Current Photographs / Re: December 2023 photos
December 04, 2023, 10:18:37 AM
PBS Members Affairs / Re: Treasurers Notes
November 26, 2023, 10:48:10 AM
Just a reminder if you pay for dues prior to the end of 2023 you can use the prevailing rate of $20.00 for domestic and $25.00 for overseas.
You can pay for as many years as you like.

Treasurer, PBS
Current Photographs / Re: Thanksgiving blooms
November 25, 2023, 09:20:54 AM
Phaedranassa dubia.
Moraea polystachya
Current Photographs / Re: November 2023 photos
November 22, 2023, 03:42:15 PM
Othonna gymnodiscus
Othonna cakiefolia
Current Photographs / Re: November 2023 photos
November 22, 2023, 05:45:40 AM

Thanks I think I was able to correct my error.
Current Photographs / Re: November 2023 photos
November 21, 2023, 05:04:45 PM

I believe you're correct with your name.

I checked the label  and it is L. pygmaea

I don't think I can go back in and change the caption ofn the photo.

Current Photographs / Re: November 2023 photos
November 19, 2023, 04:51:26 PM
Lachenalia pygamae
General Discussion / Re: Identifying Colchicum
November 09, 2023, 06:03:55 AM

I must have 5-6 unidentified Colchicums in my garden.

I've planted them in a bed that I augmented with pounds and pounds of gravel.

They must like it because they have multiplied very well.

I've sent bulbs to the BX for 4-5 years.