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Messages - Carlos

Current Photographs / Re: August 2023 photos
September 23, 2023, 03:04:17 AM
Seen in the Val d'Aran, Spanish Pyrenees in late August.

Allium ericetorum


Swertia perennis


Lilium pyrenaicum. Unripe seeds!!


Colchicum montanum, including a white one.

General Discussion / Re: Bulb sourcing
September 23, 2023, 02:25:24 AM
Hi, I found some seeds of Lilium ledebourii.

They will be sent to me from Ukraine, or you can give your postal address to me so you get them directly.

I will be back if I get any of the other seeds.


Current Photographs / Re: Sept. photos
September 23, 2023, 12:40:48 AM
I dowloaded it one or two years ago, I will look for it. Please give me an email address.

General Discussion / Re: Bulb sourcing
September 23, 2023, 12:39:04 AM
Hi, I gave away about ten different wild tazettas, as I needed to make room...

But i gave them to a friend, I can request for seeds. It is naturalized here in many places.

Seeds are out of CITES but S. lutea is usually sterile in Western Europe. I don't remember if Oron sells seeds of lutea. I have three bulbs from Iran and these might set seed.

Iris albicans is almost sterile, and only a few people grow true Iris meda. I hope to get seeds or one rhizome next year.

I can ask a couple of colleagues for the Tulipa and Lilium.


General Plants and Gardening / Re: Erodium chrysanthum
September 22, 2023, 10:34:38 AM
Hi, sorry, but the plan fell through (as so often they do, according to The Smiths).

The guy now says that he has only males.

As another song goes, I'll be 'always searching'.

Current Photographs / Re: Sept. photos
September 22, 2023, 08:34:41 AM
Biarum tenuifolium ? Lost label

Muscari parviflorum

Prospero sp Turkey

Prospero autumnale 'var latifolium'

Narcissus cavanillesii SF268 - thanks to Dylan Hannon!!

Narcissus broussonetii
Current Photographs / Re: Sept. photos
September 21, 2023, 11:32:21 AM
It seems so, if no one demonstrates anything in contrary. At least the board of nomenclature has said that Squilla is sufficiently different from Scilla to be kept as a good genus.

I am doing my own research on the subject...
Current Photographs / Re: Sept. photos
September 21, 2023, 02:34:30 AM
Hi, very busy with planting and sowing, worried about storms (about 100 mm from september 1st, which is a bit above average for our climate, and hail like medium-sized plums, which is unusual, there were injured people for the hailstones and even human casualties because of floods),but there are some flowers.

Narcissus obsoletus from Sicily (elegans for some)

Narcissus deficiens (old serotinus in part, miniatus for 'Koopowitz's school', obsoletus for Flora Iberica). One of the first wild daffodils seen in Spain this late summer, on Sept 17, Northern Castellón province, Spain.


Acis valentina

Hannonia hesperidum


Squilla maritima (not Drimia, nor Urginea anymore),wild in Castellón province, not far from the sea.


The massive Squilla numidica, with bulbs bearing brick-red sheaths and reaching the size of Cantaloup melons. This is known in the US as maritima, but it is not. It was used for tests to produce rat poison,but the project was not profitable and several thousand bulbs were given / retailed to a nursery. There's a paper telling the story. It occurs wild on the Balearics, northern Africa, Greece and Lampedusa island near Tunisia, but seems to be rare or absent from Malta and Sicily, where S pancration, with white coats, occurs. 

General Plants and Gardening / Re: Erodium chrysanthum
September 21, 2023, 01:32:32 AM
Ok. I am not very fond of Erodium other than photographing them, as I said, but I have a friend in a suitable climate who collects the endemic species. 

I sent some seeds and plants to Flosab and they owe money or plants, so I can ask for two males and two females and send them to my friend, and wait for seeds.

Do you like the plan?

General Plants and Gardening / Re: Erodium chrysanthum
September 19, 2023, 02:39:04 PM
Hi. I found a grower who has plants, but no seeds (strange?). Flos Sabaudiae, or Flosab. Ask him (Thibaut) if he can ship to the US... You can mention me.

General Plants and Gardening / Re: Erodium chrysanthum
September 14, 2023, 12:36:09 AM
Hi, I know a couple of people who collect seeds in the wild in Greece, one of them has a wonderful Mediterranean garden and surely knows this plant, and most probably grows it. 

I will try to get some seeds, I like this kind of challenges. 

Personally, I find more appealing high-altitude species from the Alps, Pyrenees and Iberian mountains, I have sometimes collected some of them, but always given away to a friend who lives in a suitable climate. 

Hi, I received Rannveigh and Bob Wallis's last catalogue, I find it breathtaking, but they do not ship outside UK anymore.

If any member from the EU happens to travel to UK in September and is so kind to bring my order, I would be willing to pay for up to £20 of his/her order and of course the shipping to Spain.

 There is an exception in EU plant health regulations regarding 'small quantities' in luggage, they don't specify how much weight is that, but I want mostly small Narcissus, so no more than 500 or 600 grsms 


Current Photographs / Re: July 2023 photos
July 19, 2023, 10:20:59 AM
Hi, I recently started emailing Jean-Marc Tison, the French botanist responsible of the new Flora Gallica - Flore de France and quite an expert on geophytes.

I showed him a local Allium and he immediately recognised it as a possibly unnamed taxon he knew from Andalusia.

So last Saturday I went to the nearest site I knew it from to collect some specimens for the herbarium and to keep in my collection.

There they were, and also an unexpected surprise, Acis valentina in bloom because of the rains in late spring and early summer.




Carlos Jiménez
Valencia, Spain
Hi, I asked for some seeds from a friend and they sprouted like weeds, the older bulbs are almost like hen eggs in two years!!

During their first summer they stayed under the sprinklers so they never went dormant, I feared that they would rot but as Uli says they seem to like not going really dry. I have made them go dormant this year and they seem to be Ok as well.

I have a load of one-season-old seedlings the size of marbles, some already have the purplish-blue colour. If anyone in the EU wants to swap... I would like to try latifolia, but the seeds I bought never germinated. There is S. haemorrhoidalis as well on Tenerife, a smaller version.

All these plants were placed by Austrian expert Franz Speta in a separate genus, Autonöe. I do find them very different to real Scilla (which would not include autumnalis and the like, these having been moved to Prospero, lacking bracts). Complicated.


Hi, Max.

For Xochiquetzallia, contact  Jorge Gutiérrez and / or Teresa Terrazas:

