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Messages - Diane Whitehead

Current Photographs / Re: September phtos
September 15, 2021, 12:46:23 PM
Well, somehow I posted the little duplicates again.

I will leave them and hope that someone knows what I did wrong.

Current Photographs / Re: September phtos
September 15, 2021, 12:44:30 PM
This is a hybrid of the Colchicum bivonae that Martin posted.  There are many such hybrids, and I don't know which this one is.  It has very large flowers and multiplies well.

Colchicum_bivonae hybrid.jpg
C bivonae hybrid.jpg
Current Photographs / Re: September phtos
September 15, 2021, 12:37:56 PM
Well, this sure isn't as easy as the Scottish forum.

I uploaded two photos but somehow they were duplicated - a larger and a smaller version of each.

I tried to correct this, but instead managed to add one of them to my downloads folder.

Next I selected the two smaller photos and said to remove them.  They were removed, but so was the entire message.

I'll try once more.
General Discussion / Re: The day the bulbs arrive
September 14, 2021, 01:15:12 PM
Well, lucky you, being able to grow tulips.  One of the favourite deer snacks here.  I do manage to grow a few in the fenced vegetable garden.

With a forum, you can edit what you've posted, either immediately, or any time later.   If you do it immediately, there is no mention of the fact.  If you do it later, then your message will include the fact that you've edited it and when you did it.

However, an email posting gives no chance of correction.

General Discussion / Re: pretty flowers
April 12, 2021, 07:19:40 PM
Thank you, Martin.

Though pollen would be good, too,
General Discussion / Re: pretty flowers
April 10, 2021, 05:27:29 PM
If that is Leucocoryne alliacea, I would love some seeds.

I've been trying for years to get some, to cross with my other species and produce hybrids that will be hardy outside here.

Chileflora never has seeds, and the message is always the same: These seeds are generally restocked in: January      This item is temporarily out of stock.. 

Obviously not true, since I've been looking frequently.

Two years ago I managed to buy some from, apparently supplied from Chileflora, but they have not germinated, so were probably ancient.
General Discussion / Re: pretty flowers
March 28, 2021, 03:32:53 PM
I'm using Safari.

Photos were enlarging a couple of days ago and only downloaded if I clicked the paper clip.  Now they download instead of enlarging.

Here is Coelogyne cristata, blooming in my front hall to entertain  visitors.  I break off a branch of flowers for them to take home.