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Messages - Uli

General Discussion / Microwaved pollen
April 22, 2022, 07:07:47 AM
Dear All,

As promised before I would like to update you with my experiments using microwaved pollen on self incompatible plants.
In this case Hippeastrum evansiae. This plant has been flowering for me for more than 20 years and never set seed. It is a stoloniferous bulb, so a big potful is just one clone. (Clone 1)  This year I had a different clone (Clone 2) in flower for the very first time. So comparison is possible between cross pollination and self pollination.
The result is very simple:
All flowers pollinated with microwaved pollen did not set seed, almost all cross pollinated flowers have big seed capsules in both directions and all flowers left unpollinated aborted as well.
Here is the number of flowers in detail
Clone 1: 9 scapes with 20 flowers. Of which 4 flowers were left with no pollination
9 flowers were repeatedly pollinated with microwaved pollen following the procedure described here
7 flowers were pollinated using pollen of clone 2 of which one aborted, why?
Clone 2: one scape with 2 flowers. Both flowers were pollinated with pollen of clone 1 and have big seed capsules.
Last year I successfully produced one seed pod on clone 1 with its own microwaved pollen but I have no record of the exact details of the procedure, it was not exactly the same as used this year. So.... Many open questions.....

Then there is an unnamed Albuca species (it is not Albuca aurea which sets copious amounts of seed) of which seedlings produced of microwaved pollen are flowering for the very first time. Unfortunately the mother plant is very delayed and in declining condition so that a direct comparison is not possible at this moment. From memory they are identical to the mother. The seedlings appear uniform and very healthy, there are more than these three ones.

The seedlings of Albuca clanwilliamigloria are still growing well but will soon go dormant.

The pictures show the flowering plants of Hippeastrum evansiae  (not a brilliant foto) the flowers in the left upper part are clone 1 and the two flowers on  the lower right side are clone 2. they are slightly different with clone 2 having slightly wavy petals and a green throat

The second picture shows maturing seed capsules. They are big but the camera has oversized them. Not all of them are in the pictures, the 3 capsules on the left are clone 1 and the two on the right are clone 2

The third picture shows the Albuca species, flowering  seedlings.22558197-BED6-4651-81CE-86167AF9BE9D.jpg
1B11174B-1824-4F56-B9F2-1C06F507A2AD.jpg BE2A4785-D03C-4ACC-AB61-5E6387ED3486.jpg
Current Photographs / Ixia viridiflora
April 22, 2022, 07:01:52 AM
Dear All,

The form of Ixia viridiflora posted yesterday and today seems to be paler than the one I grow. Mine was raised from an autumn 2019 sowing and it flowered beautifully in its second year. I donated seed to the US BX in 2021. What this plant needs is ample water during growth and flowering and a dry rest only after the leaves have died down. This year the flowers were almost completely ruined by a hot and very windy spell, last year's performance was better.
My seed was purchased from after a discussion on this list. Owls Acre stated that the corms are short lived and new plants should be raised from seed regularly. They also stated that they carefully selected the seed bearing plants. 
The enclosed picture is from 2021. Do you see the beetles? I checked the flowers yesterday. The center appears black but is in fact of very dark blue.
The second picture shows seedlings from a November 2021 sowing. They are in a 20cm pot and the tallest ones are 30cm tall, still growing. They will not be repotted until after flowering next year.

Bye for now 

Uli 1FF8A7C7-8401-4125-86D6-E77A92ADCD34.jpg B1FA2C22-3FAD-4173-906C-C3A7CBEDCC26.jpg
General Discussion / Microwaving pollen
March 16, 2022, 02:08:55 AM
Dear All,

The article describing the microwaving of pollen to overcome self incompatibility was put into the Wiki by Robin and David. Thank you very much to both of you for editing and formatting. The title was somewhat misleading and has now been changed. Thank you, Tim, to pointing this out.
I am at present using this technique on Cyrtanthus falcatus
for the first time and again on Hippeastrum evansiae
. It has failed on an Aloe species but with the Aloe I had the impression that there was almost no pollen.

I will keep you updated and I am most interested in your feedback. I am very sure that this method can be improved.
Here is the link to the Wiki again.

Bye for now

Current Photographs / Re: February
February 11, 2022, 02:59:57 PM
Impressions from my collection
PBS Forum Feedback & Help / Re: Attachment failure
January 12, 2022, 02:48:30 AM
Now I put the name into the picture before I attached it. But are there other ways to name a picture?

PBS Forum Feedback & Help / Re: Attachment failure
January 12, 2022, 01:49:25 AM
So it seemed to work. But why is it big and not a thumbnail? Or is it better this way?
How must I proceed to name the plant on the pictures?

I also discovered that the quick reply mode does not have an attachment button. Which trapped me because the quick reply window appears big and fat on the bottom of the page. But by using the small grey reply button the attachment button is there and works

PBS Forum Feedback & Help / Re: Attachment failure
January 12, 2022, 01:43:06 AM
Hello Martin and David,

Here is the failed photo (hopefully)
PBS Forum Feedback & Help / Re: Attachment failure
January 11, 2022, 04:29:17 PM
Another attempt with my iPhone. I could change the settings to maximum compatibility on my iPhone but not on my (older) iPad.
Found my message, it was a new post, sorry.
But quick reply has no attachment button, so no pictures attached.
The forum doesn't work well on the small screen of my iPhone.
Current Photographs / Re: January photos
January 11, 2022, 03:55:29 PM
Hello David,

Thank you for your reply to my question concerning the failed attachment. The message and the  error picture is no longer there, where is it?
I have googled and tried hard to find out how to change the format of my Apple pictures into jpg but I did not get very far. I would need an App and it is a procedure with many steps. I do send a lot of pictures with my iPad, including to the email list, never had this problem. The forum software seems to be unable to digest Apple pictures?
Current Photographs / Re: January photos
January 11, 2022, 03:15:12 PM
Quote from: Mr David Pilling on January 11, 2022, 02:20:19 PMUli - when you login there is a time, select "forever"

Pictures and topics remain as long as we pay the server fees.

Why do some thumbnails expand and some not - hard to say without knowing which photos. We have been playing with software extensions for the last nine months, some thumbnails will be orphans from those experiments.

Thank you, David for this info

PBS Forum Feedback & Help / Attachment failure
January 11, 2022, 02:14:08 PM
Hello again,

As most of the pictures I will post to the forum are taken with my iPad and iPhone, I need help on how to change the files into a permitted one
Current Photographs / Re: January photos
January 11, 2022, 02:04:52 PM
Hello All,
First of all: happy new year to all of you.
And thank you very much, Martin for all the work you have done.
I wanted to post this message but it got lost because I didn't realize that my login had expired in the meantime, how can I avoid this in future?
At least I found the time to get to grips with the forum. First step: I looked at the pictures and experimented. I can enlarge thumbnails which I find interesting but some (Gastils Lachenalia viridiflora and two others) remain thumbnails, why?
Why carry most pictures the name of the plant and others don't? I would like to know the names of plants unknown to me.
What will happen to the pictures after the forum moves on to another topic?
Next step will be to post pictures.

Bye for now
Mystery Bulbs / Re: Tropaeolum - hybrid or species?
August 08, 2021, 12:39:19 AM
To me it looks like a hybrid. If Lauw has raised it from seed and if he has grown both species it is likely to be a hybrid.
Quote from: gastil on March 24, 2021, 07:25:18 AM
Some german text appears on the Calendar setup page.
Dodawanie wydarzeń do kalendarza
google translates as
Adding events to the calendar

Hello Gastil,

I am just testing the new forum and found your contribution. The language quoted is not German, perhaps polish. Somewhat difficult to tell because I do not speak it.

I wonder if you get this message.


Quote from: gastil on March 24, 2021, 07:25:18 AM
I am not suggesting we have a calendar, only that we should stick to English since historically PBS has been in English. Sorry if that sounds anglocentric, not meant that way. :)

On that same page, a few of the items are in german, ie
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Edit By Martin: On Pro is that a moderator can clean up if someone  does strange things like writing the reply into the quote they took from another post  ::)