Albuca pulchra

Started by Uli, August 21, 2022, 03:47:06 PM

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Dear All,

Here are some pictures of Albuca pulchra, flowering now in my garden. It was raised from seed which I was very kindly given by Monica Swartz in 2018. The huge bulbs took their time to reach flowering size. They are pot grown because they need a strictly dry winter dormancy. I particularly like the long bracts which want to be gently stoked. As my garden is very windy the leaves and the whole tall plant is leaning sideways. Thank you, Monica for this magnificent plant.

Algarve, Portugal
350m elevation, frost free
Mediterranean Climate

Martin Bohnet

...and of course thank you for sharing them in EX04 - really looking forward to have mine big enough to flower.
Martin (pronouns: he/his/him)