BX/SX arrears

Started by Arnold, July 19, 2022, 03:29:28 PM

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We have a couple of BX/SX in the pipeline.

We also have a fair number of outstanding payments due for past BX/SX's.

If you received seeds or bulbs it would be a good time to catch up on payments and not miss future offerings.

Arnold T.
North East USA


PayPal has changed their settings for international transactions. 

If you pay for a BX/SX you must use the PBS interface.  PayPal will only allow international movement of funds if it is for "Goods and Services"

Here is the link to pay for BX/SX's  https://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/pbsforum/index.php?page=BXpay

Add your name and put the BX/SX number in the appropriate box along with the amount.

This will assure that a receipt is generated satisfying Paypal's new criteria.

Thank you,

Arnold T.
North East USA