EU BX: donations now closed

Started by Uli, October 09, 2023, 06:51:50 AM

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Dear members living in the EU,
The time window for donations will be closed tomorrow night. If you still have something to donate for the current autumn exchange, please send it NOW. And send an email to Martin <> so that he would know what is under way and include it into the list of donations.
The second round of the EU-BX will soon go online, you will be informed through the same channels.
If you are still impatiently staring at some seed capsules which do not want to ripen.... please don't forget that there will be another EU exchange next spring. Most likely, any seed which is not ripe by now is not for autumn sowing anyway.

As usual, do not hesitate to get in touch with Uli  <> if you have questions.
Uli and Martin
Algarve, Portugal
350m elevation, frost free
Mediterranean Climate


Dear members living in the EU,
The donation time window for the EU autumn exchange is now closed. Please do not send any items to Martin any more because he has no storage facilities. The second round of the autumn exchange will soon be announced through the same channels. And for more seed and bulbs to donate.... there will be the spring exchange in 2024. We will keep you informed.
Any questions? Please get in touch with Uli <>
Martin and Uli
Algarve, Portugal
350m elevation, frost free
Mediterranean Climate