Lilium pardalinum

Mary Sue Ittner
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 08:42:38 PDT
Dear All,

A week ago we saw this beautiful flower blooming in the wild near the Gualala River. My husband has just purchased a digital camera and has been spending a lot of time trying to figure it out, but has come up with some nice pictures of the one by the river and one in a large deep container in our garden. I also have one in the ground blooming, but growing near the river is what it wants and the one in the ground is only about a foot tall, maybe 1/6 the size of the ones in the wild. In containers where I am better about watering they are much taller but not nearly as tall as in the wild. I will attach the pictures to the and to
Anyone not on those lists who wants to see them can request them privately and I'll send an attachment. We have reduced the files down to a manageable size.

Mary Sue

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