Trading Bulbs and Seed

Mary Sue Ittner
Thu, 03 Apr 2003 08:12:53 PST
Dear Kevin,

There are a number of places on the web for trading plants and people can 
and probably already do correspond privately with others who they find from 
this list are growing things they have always wanted. If someone creates a 
bulb trade forum, feel free to announce it to our list.

I would like to remind everyone that the BX was created for all those spare 
bulbs and seed that people don't want so they could be shared with others. 
And Dell tries to make it not expensive to be generous as he credits what 
it costs you to mail your contribution to him. Even if you have a business, 
if you have a lot of something you aren't selling and don't want to 
continue to grow all of it, you could send it to Dell and he will make it 
available to the members of the Pacific Bulb Society.

Mary Sue
PBS List Administrator

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