Rhodophiala pictures

sheilab sheila1@iinet.net.au
Thu, 03 Apr 2003 17:31:08 PST
Hi Jane,
if you do wish to type n with a tilde, type in 0241 on the numeric pad
whilst holding down the alt key.
Añañuca, :-)

Regards Sheila

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jane McGary"
The common name for them was mentioned by one
correspondent, but since it contains two n's with tildes on them
("A~na~nuca" is the closest I can come in my angloscript email) it might be
even harder to type than "rhodophiala" for those who don't have an e-mail
application with a Spanish option. I assume it comes from an indigenous
name for these plants.

Jane McGary

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