Native anemones

Jane McGary
Sun, 20 Apr 2003 17:08:42 PDT
In response to Janet Galpin's introduction, Diana Chapman mentioned Anemone
deltoidea. This species is widespread in northwestern North America and is
native in the woods on my property, though not in the masses Diana
mentioned. It is extremely similar in general appearance to A. trifolia
from Europe, which I grow in the garden without any special siting.

The most common native anemone around here, however, is A. oregana, which
grows at mid elevations in the Cascade Mountains (and elsewhere) in
moderate to deep shade, usually in low spots where snow and moisture
linger. It is similar in habit and general appearance to A. nemorosa and
has the same type of rhizome. Like A. nemorosa, it is variable in color:
usually light blue, but there are darker blues (I have one of those here),
pink shades, and whites. It can be handled in a nursery situation just like
A. nemorosa; I'm surprised it is not more widely seen in gardens.

Janet and I have corresponded earlier about Anemone palmata from the
Iberian Peninsula. It has wonderful succulent leaves, all basal, and rather
tall stems bearing the most brilliant yellow, large "daisy-type" flowers.
Its rhizome is a fingerlike one that can be divided up carefully. It would
be a perfect plant for warm Mediterranean-climate areas, but it has failed
outdoors here even in a warmer than average winter. It grows splendidly in
the bulb frame, though.

Jane McGary
Northwestern Oregon

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