Mirabilis longiflora

Alberto Castillo ezeizabotgard@hotmail.com
Sat, 16 Aug 2003 15:31:57 PDT
Dear Judy:
                 “Does anyone else grow this charming native? Has anyone 
seen it growing wild?
Is anyone else interested in it?”

I am supposed to have it in the collection and it is in a large border with 
other perennials in the open. It is different than the rather weedy 
Mirabilis jalapa (that also has tuberous roots) mainly in being more compact 
and rounded in shape, and not weedy. One thing of interest in your message 
is the description of the flowers. Mine has yellow flowers and these had 
always made me think I have the wrong plant. . Can you eventually post an 
image to PBS?
P. S.: otherwise my “longiflora” is a nice dependable plant that flowers for 
many months until late autumn

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