Pacific RimDoug Westfall paige@hillkeep.ca1111 Claiborne Dr. Long Beach, CA > Mary Sue asked us all to turn off html for this list, and to create > signatures that includes our geographic location. > > Here's how to do these things if you're using Outlook Express (one of the > happy family of Microscoff products). Owners of other programs hit delete > now! > > To turn off html in all your email: At the top of Outlook Express screen, > click on TOOLS. Select OPTIONS. Click on the SEND tab. Halfway down the > panel you'll find MAIL SENDING FORMAT. Select PLAIN TEXT. At the bottom of > the panel click OK. That's all you have to do. For those using a Macintosh, go to the top of the screen, select "Edit" and move down to "Preferences." Select "Compose" and on the line "compose," select "Plain Text." It is done!