Dear all; I differ about mentioning 'bad' sources of bulbs. If the writer personally has had problems with a source, he/she should certainly contact that source. If still dissatisfied, there is no reason to restrain from relating personal experience. I stress "personal experience" and not generalized ranting about all aspects of a company. A few comments suggest early experiences that 'went bad'. I assume this is a case of the naive bulb grower buying a 'bargain'. We've all done that knowing it was too cheap to be real. I have had bad experiences with Louisiana Nursery years ago and got turned off, but I know others who find them acceptable. The complaints about Michigan Bulb Company are legend. (BTW They're back after claiming bankruptcy, I just got a catalog in the mail. Why me?). And the notorious Ty-Ty/ Georgia Bulb, Mary Washington (they go under a variety of names -as do their plants) is a place I could never recommend. Point is a person can and should complain responsibly and not condemn a business totally, but personal experience is a lesson for all. Mis-Identified bulbs. I shouldn't have to even say this, but anyone and everyone can mis-identify a bulb. Once dormant the differences between species, cultivars etc can be impossible to tell apart. Even the very best growers who handle hundreds of bulbs can easily mix up a bulb here and there. Just so many ways to have ID problems. Everyone can have mix ups. And there are SO MANY ways a bulb can get mixed up from the time it goes dormant, to digging, to transfer, to sorting, to packaging and shipping. Bulb resellers have twice as many chances to mix up bulbs. Of course when this is a $50 rarity, it becomes a serious complaint, but we have all seen a bed of yellow tulips with a pink one here and purple there. Let common sense prevail. I'd like to hear of bulb suppliers who have given some gardeners problems, then satisfied customers can come to their defense and let the reader decide. Just keep calm. Jim W. -- Dr. James W. Waddick 8871 NW Brostrom Rd. Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711 USA Ph. 816-746-1949 E-fax 419-781-8594 Zone 5 Record low -23F Summer 100F +