
Lauw de Jager
Sat, 01 Mar 2003 00:45:27 PST
Dear All, I will try again to add some more'pink' Romuleas:
 R englerii:  Small pink  flowers which could be confused with R rosea,
but its flowers are smaller (diam 15mm) and appear in March, leaves are 
broader and ribbed (3-4mm) (R.Rosea resp30-40mm, Mai, 2mm)
R atrandra:  In flower now, a veryexotic nut tough plant, which appears
in some of the most unexpected places in the nursery.
 Flowers in March, could be ccnfused with R rosea, (but flower is larger
less funnel like, leaves broader and lowers earlier)
Romulea s one of the genus (with Oxalis) I am 'hooked' during the last
years. Its diversity in colours and habitats/climats is interesting.
This genus has the same horticultural potential as Crocus' has now.
Other R species in flower now: R tetragona, hirta, diversificata, flava,
bifron, bulbicodium, grandiscapa
I hope that the images have arrived somehow ?
Kind regards

Mary Sue Ittner a *crit :
 I don't think your Romulea subfistulosa or atrandra made it. 
>  Mark Mazer posted a Romulea atrandra picture and I'm not sure what he named
> it so yours would need a different name. 
Lauw de Jager 
BULB'ARGENCE, 30300 Fourques, France

"GUIDE POUR BULBES  MÉDITERRANÉENS": 116 pages, 400 photos, prix 10 E
Expedition des bulbes à floraison estivale est en cours.
  En FLEURS actuellement à l'extérieur: Anemone coronaria, Chasmanthe
aethiopica,  Cyclamen pseudibericum, coum, Crocus laevigatus fontenayi,
imperati, ancyrensis, Ipheion 'Rolf Fiedler, Iris unguicularis, Oxalis
purpurea, obtusa, versicolor,  Narcissus tazetta, cordobensis,
jonquilla(?), romieuxii, Moraea polystachya, Lachenalia aloides, Romulea
atandra, bifron, Sternbergia fisheriana, candida
Région:  Provence/Camargue, Climat zone: 9a Mediterranean, dr y
July-August, peak rainfall in autumn, minimum temps -3-7°C (28-21F)
Reference vegetation: Arbutus unedo, Olea europeaea,

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