Some comments on Rhodophiala

Mary Sue Ittner
Sun, 30 Mar 2003 12:41:21 PST
Dear All,

I have found all this information on Rhodophiala very interesting. I have 
tried to integrate Alberto's comments and the pictures on the wiki. Maybe 
if we get more pictures we will have to create subpages for each group but 
for now I just put them together.

For those of us who are not sure what is politically correct to do about 
Ravenna, are we supposed to dismiss anything he says or accept some of it. 
Germán has pictures of the species named by Ravenna so I assume it exists 
and I hope I have placed it in the right category on the wiki.

I started some Rhodophiala from seed from NARGS a year ago and I take it I 
should be letting R. advena go dormant this summer. What do you suppose R. 
rosea is? I don't see it listed on Alberto's list. Can anyone help me 
figure out what to do with it?

Also it looks like we need some pictures of that Texas one you were all 
talking about on the wiki.

Is the one that Patrick O'Farrell supplied seed of now considered a species 
or is it a cultivar? When I was adding the information to the wiki I wasn't 
clear about it.

Mary Sue
Mary Sue Ittner
California's North Coast
Wet mild winters with occasional frost
Dry mild summers

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