Hi, All: Ernie O'Byrne mentioned wanting pictures to compare his Lilium martagon with in hopes of giving it a name. Interestingly enough, a CD with 182 photos of 104 different martagon species and hybrids- including some of stems and leaves, was made available in March 2003. Since this is a non commercial list, I won't give details here, but it is available, and if you wish to email me, I'll gladly tell you where to go--err, I mean give you that information. Another CD is being prepared, by a different person, this one to cover as many of the lily species as possible, hopefully it will be available before the end of the year. Again, if interested.... There is an email list, Lilium@yahoogroups.com or Lilium-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. You need to be a member to access their photo library (the equivalent of the "Wiki"), but membership is free, just be prepared to select a username and a password. Yahoo takes from a few minutes to a few hours, then you will be on probationary membership for a time-which means you can't "spam" everyone on the list, but will receive all the other priveledges. Another site, by an avid lilyophile, is http://camosun.bc.ca/~jbritton/netlil/… and there are links to images on the web. The North American Lily Society (http://www.lilies.org/) website is being reorganized, but much information is available. (note that nals.org is a lawyers association) If you don't want to wait for any of these--it is spring, and sitting at the computer means you are not out in the garden--go to http://images.google.com/images/ and type in the name you want-as, Lilium martagon. My search this morning brought up nine pages, with twenty images on the first page. It should be noted that they weren't all L. martagon. I haven't ever tried enclosing the name in quote marks, but it might narrow down the search a little (as, "Lilium martagon"). I'm still amazed at the images that can be found this way. Ken, western Oregon