Seeding (was Deeper planting bulbs)

Lauw de Jager
Tue, 18 Nov 2003 03:50:52 PST
Thank you for this interesting information, which  explained clearly why our
early summer sowings of Galanthus and Cyclamen succeed so much
better then when planted in the autumn. It may also explain why the
"floating method" is in some cases so effecient.

Lauw de Jager
South of France (zone 8 Olivier)

le 17/11/03 21:08, à a écrit :
  Although I've not  always  been able to follow the advice about planting
the seed as soon as it is falls  from the capsule, it is probably wise to do
so.  When fresh, the seed is plump  and shiny black.  As it dries in
preparation for dormancy, it shrinks and  becomes matte black.  The dormancy
inhibitors formed during this process have  to be  washed away by rainfall
before the seed will sprout.  In other words, planted  fresh in June in this
climate one will often see the little spears of growth  in late Fall.
Planted in Spring ( seed harvested the previous June ), the  seed will not
germinate until the following Spring.

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