Growth Cycles for BX 50

Dell Sherk
Wed, 19 Nov 2003 05:12:02 PST
Alberto has once again supplied us with the cycle information:

(W = winter-growing; S = summer growing; WE = winter-growing, evergreen)

1. Eleutherine bulbosa var citriodora (S)
2. Calydorea pallens (S)
3. Cypella osteniana (W)
4. Cypella armosa (W)
5. Cypella laxa (W)
6. Calydorea amabilis (W)
7. Cypella herberti (W)
8. Cypella laeta (W)
9. Gelasine elongata (W)
10. Sparaxis parviflora (W)

13. Habranthus magnoi  (S)- white flowered trumpet shape, not reflexed
this is my first flowering from these seedlings.
14. Zephyranthes "Libra" (S) Pale yellow, upright flower, fairly free
15. Habranthus sp.? good yellow form
16. Habranthus tubispathus rosea (W)
17. Habranthus gracilifolius (W)

Thank you, Alberto.

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