Sinningia leucotricha [pbs] Sinningia--TOW

Bill Dijk
Sat, 22 Nov 2003 17:09:45 PST
Dear All,

This genus of about 40 species of tuberous perennials from central and South
America includes the flower-shop Gloxinias, the more popular of the species.
The Gloxinia flowers can be as much as 10 cm (4 in.) across and come in the
richest shades of blue, violet, pink or red, usually with their throats
mottled in white or paler shades of the main colours.
All species including the Sinningia leucotricha shown, make spectacular pot
each carrying as many as 20 flowers or more, at the centre of a rosette of
coarsely velvety leaves.
Unfortunately they don't make very good garden plants, easily spoiled by the
rain or adverse weather conditions.
The whole trend in indoor gardening is towards hybridizing plants which have
some sort of display all year long or, if it is of short duration, at least
can be
replaced rapidly from cuttings or seed.
This would be particular welcome in Sinningia  leucotricha because it is a
very beautiful and aristocratic plant, different in appearance in some vital
aspects from any other gesneriads.
There will undoubtedly be research into ways of restimulating a dormant
tuber, and this may eventually be accomplished by short periods of
temperature change or by chemical treatment.
The extraordinary appearance of S.leucotricha ( sometimes called the
Brazilian edelweiss) is due not only to the form of the stem and leaves but
even more so by the texture and colour.
All parts are evenly coated with silvery white hairs which have a brushed
appearance like a long-fibered fine felt, a soft glow of green penetrates
the coating of pure silvery white and will add to the overall effect.
The flowers are of a soft pink or red covered with brushed white hairs in a
solid cluster and against the silver of the rabbit fur ears makes for a
artistic colourful combination.
Species of Sinningia prefer a humid atmosphere with bright light but not
direct sun, and moist, peaty soil.
The top surface of the tuber is planted even with the surface of the soil,
as shown in the picture.
In spring growth appear in the centre and from a large bulb several stems
may be allowed to develop but, for best results, all but one or two should
be nipped off at the base, those cuttings could be used for further increase
as required.
The leaves die down after flowering, after which the tubers can be dried out
and stored in a frost-free area.
Propagate from seed or from stem cuttings in late spring or summer.

I have  added these pictures of this Sinningia species to the wiki Sinningia
page as suggested by Mary Sue for easier reference.
If the page has been referenced instead, even if the file name is changed,
people will still be able to find the picture.
Go and visit, look and enjoy the pictures:…

Best wishes,

Bill D.

Tauranga, New Zealand :annual rainfall :1250 mm.
Sunshine hours, mean annual  :  2350 hours.
Temp.mean max.Summer : 25°C.   winter:///15°C/.
Temp.mean min. Summer :14.5°C. Winter: 5°C.
Wet mild Winters with occasional light frost.

Subject: Re: [pbs] Sinningia--TOW

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