Off Topic: Scilla lingulata

John Lonsdale
Sun, 09 Nov 2003 06:03:43 PST

I grow six different accessions of Scilla lingulata, three as var.
ciliolata.  I agree they are absolutely charming.  They are also incredibly
variable in flower time and foliage.  My earliest clone flowers sans leaves
and was over 6 weeks ago, the last is in flower now and the leaves are
around 2" long.  The flowers don't vary a whole lot, some have more per stem
than others and can be a little lighter or darker, stem length also varies
somewhat.  The biggest variation is in the leaves - some are bright green
and erect (and therefore less appealing) but the nicest has short prostrate
leaves which are a purple green in color.  Two stocks are undocumented (from
Tony Goode and Kath Dryden), the others are Mike Salmon collections.  I
wouldn't be without any of them.  Tony reports his is hardy in his SE
English garden, I haven't tried them outside here yet, but will as they
build up vigorously.  Kath's version can be seen at…



Dr John T Lonsdale,
407 Edgewood Drive,
Exton, Pennsylvania 19341,  USA

Home:  610 594 9232
Cell:  484 678 9856
Fax:   801 327 1266

Visit "Edgewood" - The Lonsdale Garden at

USDA Zone 6b

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